Christopher Gor
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Professor Gor is a highly self-motivated individual, who has pursed University education and training to work as an Agricultural Economist cum Extension Expert with an inspiration to serve humanity. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nairobi, and Master of Science Degree in Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Idaho (USA). His research interests centres on Commodity Value Chain Analysis; Resource Use and Allocation perspectives; and Innovative Agricultural Extension Transfer Pathways. He has researched and consulted widely in the following Socio-Economic initiatives and consultancy missions: i) Team Leader and Resource Person (Agricultural Economics. Development of Intervention Portfolios to increase Value in Selected Marine Priority Fisheries in Kenya. Sponsored by the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development (KEMFSED)/World Bank Project. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation, January 2019 – February 2020. ii) Team Leader and Resource Person (Agricultural Economics). Kenya Public Service Transformation Programme: Transforming Agribusiness, Trade And Leadership (Capacity Needs Assessment and Project Document preparation). Funded by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) through Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research Analysis (KIPPRA), March 202017 – April 2018. iii) Resource Person (Agricultural Sector) –Siaya County Integrated Spatial Planning Assignment. Sponsored by The Siaya County Government (Lands Department) 2 | P a g e February 2017 – Jan 2019. As important, Prof. Gor is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Academic Programme Leader of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in: i) Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture; ii) Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agricultural Extension; iii) International Masters in Agricultural Management, and iv) Master of Science in Agricultural Extension, School of Agricultural and Food Sciences, JOOUST since January 2017 –to present. At the Africa Centre of Excellence (ACE II)/ INSEFOODS, Prof Gor is the Task Leader (Business Incubation, Innovations, and Outreach) He has been instrumental in Curriculum development of five (5) Degree Programmes i.e. (i) International Masters in Agricultural Management, December 2021; (ii) PhD Agricultural Extension (September 2021); (iii) MSc Agricultural Extension (September 2021); (iv) BSc Agribusiness Management (September 2012); and (v) BSc Agricultural Extension Education (September 2013). He has made his contributions in the Public University System as a Lecturer and Researcher for 36 years (22 years at the University of Nairobi and 14 years at JOOUST). He is sociable and a nice person to work with.

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