Professor Arnold
Onyango Watako joined Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and
Technology (JOOUST) as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Agricultural and Food
Sciences in November 2013. Prior to joining JOOUST, he held various positions
from Graduate Assistant to Senior Lecturer at JKUAT. Previously, Watako worked as
a Research Officer with the Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya. Watako received his
BSc. in Agriculture and MSc. Horticulture from University of Nairobi and PhD in
Horticulture from JKUAT. In January 2015, Watako was appointed to the Chair of
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management and promoted
to position of Associate Professor in the same department in June 2016. From
August 2020 to August 2022, Prof. Watako held the position of Dean, School of
Agricultural and Food Sciences of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science
and Technology.
specializes in environmental horticulture, stress physiology, foliage plants,
interior plants cape design, landscape planning, and management. His research
includes control of flowering in summer flowers, optimization of cultural
practices in floriculture and organic culture in summer flower production. He
is a member of International Society of Horticultural Science, American Society
of Horticultural Science and African Horticultural Society. Prof. Watako is a
honorary member of New York Academy of Sciences He is a referee / editor to several
Journals related to areas of Agriculture and Life Sciences.