Alice Nakhumicha

Dr.Alice Nakhumicha

Lecturer - Department of Plant, Animal and Food Sciences
PhD, Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. MSc, Plant Physiology University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. BSc, Agriculture (Honours)University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Diploma, Agriculture and Home Economics, (Distinc

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I am a university lecturer with a previous research background at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (formerly Kenya Agricultural Research Institute) as the National Coordinator for Flowers, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research for four years and supervision of projects as Head of the Floriculture Section. In my current position as Coordinator, University Farms I liaise with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Outreach) to ensure the university farm units generate income and to conduct academic research by staff and Postgraduate Research students and demonstrate the adoption of new technology, innovation and to disseminate good practice in agriculture. I am a member of the Ethics Review Committee (ERC).I have actively participated in proposal writing and among them the World Bank grant to establish the Africa Center of Excellence. I am a core team member and the task leader for Partnerships and Collaborations. My role includes negotiating with local regional and international partners to get formal agreements signed and facilitate an appropriate working relationship between the organizations. I have acquired practical skills through training in short courses such as: compliance and protection of Plant Breeders’ Rights in the Plant Variety Protection Course 2010, Wagenigen, Netherlands; Propagation of bananas through Tissue Culture Course 2009 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan then a training workshop organised for Scientists in 2010 at KALRO Thika, Banana Tissue Culture Techniques sponsored by AATF. Finally, I have a wealth of experience in the use the GC-MS in identification of compounds through the Discovery Corps Fellowship– National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) 2004 -2007Training in GC-MS and Analytic Chemistry Instrumentation Loyola University Chicago in the US, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Egerton University, Kenya. I have had the privilege to use the GM-MS at ICIPE to successfully identify volatile compounds in tuberose for my research studies. Currently, I am working with undergraduate students (Horticulture and Agribusiness) at JOOUST on Moringa oleifera for use in agricultural productivity My interests are in environmental and management factors that influence crop productivity. I have studied colour development and volatiles emitted at different altitudes. Currently, I am supervising four PhD students and six Masters’ students. I have successfully supervised seven Masters of Science student to completion.

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