Pamela Raburu

Prof.Pamela Raburu

Associate Professor - Department of Psychology Education Foundation
Director - Office of Directorate of Quality Enhancement and Assurance
Dr. Pamela Raburu, B.Ed. (London), M.A. (London), Ph.D. (Lancaster)

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Serving as the Director Quality Enhancement and Assurance effective September 2018, and previously served as Dean School of Education (2015-2018), Chairperson, Department of Psychology and Educational Foundations (2013-2015) and as an Examination Officer (2012-2013) for School of Education at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST). Previous university experiences were at Dhofar University in the Sultanate of Oman (2006-2012), and King Faisal University (Women’s) Section in Saudi Arabia (2000-2005)

An Educationist, a professional teacher by training and specialist in Educational Psychology, has vast university teaching experience of over 15 years. Has mentored, supervised and graduated several 15 PhD and 31 Master students, and with 47 publications in international refereed journals. Presented academic papers to various conferences either as a keynote speaker or a presenter, in United Kingdom (Exeter and Bristol), Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates and Kenya.

On community Outreach, a motivational speaker to university students, high school students, teachers and employees in different organisations on various issues related customer care, victimology, and job satisfaction/stress management.

A member of a team working on an on-going National Research Funded Research Project- Kenya (Kshs 18, 930, 000.00 )- 2017 to 2020 –  Promoting Awareness and Participation of  Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Education and Other Community Based Programs in Siaya County, Kenya.

In 2013- 2015, participated a research Project - Mentorship for Young Women Scientists ( 10 from KARI, 10, KEMRI, 10 from National Museum of Kenya, and 10 from JOOUST),  served  as a  Co-Mentor in the Research project that was Funded by National Commission for Science, Technology & Innovation (NACOSTI)- Kenya.

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