Jared Magego

Mr.Jared Magego

Lecturer - Department of Social Studies
Master of Arts in Development Studies, Institute for Development Studies-University of Nairobi, Kenya. Bachelor of Arts (Political Science & Sociology, 2Nd Class Honours, Upper Division), University of Nairobi, Kenya. Diploma in Criminology and Socia

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I aspire to nurture an exciting career in teaching and development research in an equitable environment where I am able to utilize, enhance and strengthen my research skills in embracing a comprehensive approach to human development. Challenges abound, developing countries face a combination of factors that my career strives to address. I therefore hope to be elevated to a position of leadership and authority where production of knowledge and decision-making become the epitome of positive change in society. Knowledge sharing and Public policy are what I cherish for the common good of every individual in society. Implementation processes is the value addition through which a developing country like Kenya must take. This is the path of development research which forms the core of my philosophy.I subscribe to the paradigm of effective and objective teaching, policy development, management, implementation, just leadership, good governance, structured administration, public and development policy research, adoption of citizen driven development frontiers, open democracy, adoption of information and communication technologies as critical parameters for institutional and African socio-economic and cultural development and sustenance.I am a results-oriented, zealous, hawkeyed, objective, focused, resilient and very enthusiastic researcher, development expert and practitioner; courteous but very firm with a warm sense of humour. I embrace diversity in culture and accommodate ideas from individuals of all backgrounds to augment my skills.The fodder of my career is to achieve excellence in teaching and development research while observing the basic tenets of professional research, civic education, humanitarian work, training, and handling administrative duties all of which have entailed the core of my work. Having a good rapport with colleagues and potential clients re-ignites my skills. I have a keen eye on academic writing, social science research, periodic reviews of documents some of which have been intricately intertwined throughout my career at various levels I have served. My career prospects are anchored on the Sustainable Millennium Development Goals (SMDGs) and Kenya Vision 2030. I am determined to stand out as epitome and authority in academia through continuous teaching, publication and scientific research.
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