Shehu Awandu

Dr.Shehu Awandu

Senior Lecturer - Department of Biomedical Services
Post-Doctoral Fellow (Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands), PhD (Biochemistry) University of Pretoria, South, Africa, MSc (Immunology) Kenyatta University, BSc (Botany and Zoology) Moi University, Kenya and Member Member of MKNAS

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Research scientist who has designed, coordinated and conducted several studies across diverse transmission settings in Africa to better understand the malaria transmission biology focusing on parasites, vectors and humans. My research spans different malaria transmission settings including Kenya, South Africa and Burkina Faso. The work is premised on a strong network of local, regional and international collaborators from The Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States of America. I have recently widened my research portfolio to delve into COVID-19 serological investigations, epidemiology and biostatics capacity building, in addition to entomological surveys in western Kenya highlands. I am grounded academician with strong laboratory skills, research experience, technical expertise, analytical insights and grant writing skills. I currently head the Department of Biomedical Sciences in JOOUST with a vision of broadening the scholarly outputs and developing market-oriented programmes.


1. Towards COVID19 containment: serological, faecal and wastewater based epidemiological surveillance of SARs-CoV-2 in support of home based isolation and Care in Kenya - NRF South Africa funded

2. Malaria infection and transmission dynamics in western Kenya highlands;the role of novel Anopheline species in ongoing transmission and characterization of natural Wolbachia strains  – Collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

3. Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists in Eastern Africa Region (CDAE) in collaboration with African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Lund University Sweden and AMREF International University (AMIU).

Research groups

Malaria, COVID-19 and Capacity Building

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